$129,442 raised for the 13th Doc-Vélo bike challenge
On September 14, urologic oncologist Paul Perrotte and cardiologist Pierre Laramée took to their bikes and rode the 275 kilometres between Montréal and Québec City, joined by a plucky band of a dozen other cyclists. Together with the many donors who supported their remarkable efforts, they managed to raise $129,442 for the 13th Doc-Vélo to support the CHUM and its teams.
Doc-Vélo is more than just a feat of athleticism. It’s a calling that brings together physicians, CHUM employees and big-hearted cyclists, all motivated to go the extra mile for the good of the CHUM’s patients.
“Covering 275 kilometres in a day is tough, but it’s nothing next to what people with life-altering diseases have to go through. Our bodies may tire along the way, but our will to give our all for our patients never falters.”
— CHUM physicians and challenge organizers Paul Perrotte, urologic oncologist, and Pierre Laramée, cardiologist
Going above and beyond for health
The two CHUM doctors and avid cyclists created Doc-Vélo to raise money in honour of their patients, who have been so exceptionally brave in fighting disease. From this sincere commitment was born an inspiring event that rallies people to make a real difference.
“You and the loyal community of donors you have assembled have given hope to hundreds of CHUM patients over so many years. As you’re well aware, the money you raise is critical to helping our hospital provide excellent care for years to come.”
— Pascale Bouchard, President and Chief Executive Officer of the CHUM Foundation
Since the first Doc-Vélo, the event has raised over $1.3 million, helping the CHUM’s teams take giant strides in research and care to provide patients with cutting-edge treatment.