“Your invaluable donations make neurosurgical laser procedures a possibility for treatment-resistant epilepsy patients.”

Freed from the grip of disabling epilepsy by a neurosurgical laser
Epilepsy is one of the most widespread neurological diseases, affecting nearly one percent of the global population. Although two thirds of patients respond to medication or are eligible for resective surgery to remove the source of their symptoms, a significant number of people continue to suffer from disabling and unpredictable seizures.
Mathieu was one of them. Until very recently, he lived with treatment-resistant epilepsy.
Every day, Mathieu would suffer up to five epileptic seizures. Simply working, driving or even spending time alone with his two-year old had become impossible. Since the source of his seizures was inaccessible, deep in his brain, options were scarce—or non-existent. But Mathieu got a glimmer of hope when the CHUM acquired, thanks to donations from the CHUM Foundation, a revolutionary new piece of technology with the potential to restore his quality of life.
In 2023, Mathieu made history by becoming the first epileptic patient to be operated on by the NeuroBlate®, a cutting-edge neurosurgical laser. This incredible technology is equipped with a unique ability to minimize neurological damage and can help specialists reach areas of the brain that traditional surgery simply can’t get to. The CHUM is the first hospital for adults in Quebec to perform resective epilepsy surgery using this technology, which was entirely purchased with your generous donations.
“My surgeon, Dr. Bouthiller, managed to eliminate the source of my epileptic seizures. I left the hospital the day of my operation, and I haven’t had another seizure since.”

Mathieu’s life has changed dramatically since his surgery. He’s been able to resume all kinds of activities and duties that he couldn’t do before.
“I’m extremely grateful to have had access to this operation. My family is about to get a little bigger: my wife and I are expecting a second child. Thanks to your generosity, I’ll be able to hold my newborn in my arms, a thought that fills my heart with joy!”
Acting faster than neurological disease means moving full-tilt toward the treatments and procedures of the future. Your generous donations drive the CHUM’s teams to keep pushing the boundaries of what is medically possible.