Marc Tremblay: A CHUM Foundation ally for the past 10 years
Marc Tremblay, a corporate director and former Chief Operating Officer and Chief Legal Officer at Quebecor, has been passionate about Quebec and its future since his early days as a young professional. With a law degree from the University of Ottawa and as a member (now retired) of the Barreau du Québec, he devoted a significant portion of his career to defending the interests of major Quebec companies before turning to more philanthropic causes.
Tremblay joined the CHUM Foundation Board of Directors in 2014 and was appointed President of the Board in 2017. He has breathed new life into the Foundation and made huge contributions to its success and longevity. His expertise, leadership and determination have galvanized our administrators and convinced many business movers and shakers of how important it is to support the CHUM, an international hospital, and get involved with the Foundation.
“I firmly believe that our lives will be better if everyone uses their talents, means and resources to help improve the world we share,” says Tremblay. “In today’s world, where individual interests tend to come before the common good, we must regain a more united, community-oriented mindset.”
In June, as Tremblay’s term as President of the Board was coming to an end, a surprise party was organized to honour his exceptional dedication. In attendance were some 50 colleagues, loved ones and loyal members of the Foundation and the CHUM community, who expressed their gratitude and celebrated his countless contributions.
Tremblay’s involvement was not limited to his role as President of the Board. With his spouse, the Hon. Julie Veilleux, their deep connection to the CHUM—an institution proudly known for its excellence—took form through several major donations made over the years. Their exemplary generosity and loyalty are proof of their desire to make a difference for the future of medicine. “The CHUM,” say Tremblay and Veilleux, “brings together our most talented, inspired and inspiring physicians and professionals. Together, we can empower them to act faster than disease!”

We are grateful to count TD Bank Group among the members of our dedicated community. Thanks to generous donations from groups like TD, the CHUM and its talented teams will be able to make their ideas a reality, expand their knowledge and develop new, more personalized methods.