$2 million to put an end to neurological diseases with the CHUM’s SERVO - Fondation du CHUM

Multinational corporation Bombardier and the Bombardier, Beaudoin and Fontaine families are proud to support the CHUM’s SERVO project.

Bombardier and the Bombardier, Beaudoin and Fontaine families are proud to contribute to developing projects that change Quebecers’ lives. Together, they are making an extraordinary gift to help Quebec innovation soar.

Neurological diseases affect 3.6 million Canadians, and yet little is still known about them. The CHUM care and research teams behind the SERVO project believe that by changing how we approach neurological diseases, we can make progress in leaps and bounds—and by relying on artificial intelligence, we can push neurology research to the next level.

“The CHUM’s SERVO project is a revolutionary project that will make real breakthroughs in neurological research and provide personalized care powered by artificial intelligence. I am proud to stand with the Bombardier, Beaudoin and Fontaine families and lend my voice to a cause that will help improve patients’ lives. A member of my own family suffers from epilepsy, so I know just how important it is for patients with neurological diseases to have access to personalized treatments.”

This enormous database will use artificial intelligence and connected objects to help the CHUM better understand neurological diseases and provide patients with personalized treatments tailored to their profile and needs.

This extraordinary $2 million contribution will let the SERVO project—the only one of its kind in Canada—help thousands of Quebecers living with neurological diseases like epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.

“The Bombardier, Beaudoin and Fontaine families, along with the Bombardier company, are extremely proud to see such an innovative project developed here in Quebec, and we are thrilled to donate $2 million to support this incredible initiative. It’s an honour to partner with the CHUM, a globally renowned institution that embodies Quebec innovation. We commend the SERVO researchers who will help improve our understanding of neurological diseases and the quality of life of thousands of Quebecers.”

Allies on a groundbreaking project

The CHUM Foundation is incredibly grateful to count on the considerable support of Bombardier and the Bombardier, Beaudoin and Fontaine families to fund projects that bring hope to patients, like the CHUM’s SERVO. This generous gift shows their deep commitment to developing Quebec research. They are frequent supporters of cutting‑edge research in Quebec, and the Foundation is thrilled to have them as allies on this groundbreaking project. The CHUM Foundation thanks them for making the CHUM’s research and technological advances a core part of their philanthropy.

Read the press release here.

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