Our donors - Fondation du CHUM

Philanthropists who dream big to do even more good

A number of the Foundation’s donors have big dreams of helping CHUM teams act faster than disease, and show their commitment with leadership gifts. Our donor recognition circles are a way to recognize their invaluable contributions by granting them exciting benefits and access to a community of donors with shared convictions.

Each of the members of the Leaders’ Circle supports the Foundation by donating a cumulative total of $1,000 to $9,999 each year. These generous donors make a real impact at the CHUM while leading by example in their communities.

Members of the Grand Donors’ Circle make donations of $15,000 or more over a three-year period. Their extraordinary philanthropy is a real driving force behind the CHUM and its dedicated staff.

The members of the Visionary Circle are so committed to the health of future generations that they have made the ultimate commitment to the cause. They have left a planned gift for the CHUM Foundation, in the form of a clause in their will, a life insurance policy or a permanent endowment fund.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support!

We truly value your commitment and generosity. Your donations give thousands of patients across Québec access to world-class care, right here at the CHUM.

icône coeur avec des rayons

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Soyons plus proches que jamais,
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Soyons plus proches que jamais,
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