A Planned Gift a Lasting Legacy for the Health of Future Generations
The future health care is being built today. By planning your donation, you are contributing directly to the advancement of current research and enabling the CHUM’s care teams to build a future where the terms “incurable, sequelae and side effects” will become less and less common for the thousands of CHUM patients.

What is a Planned Gift?
Planned giving is a way of ensuring the continuity of your support for the Foundation and its hospital while respecting your personal, family, and tax situation.
A donation can be planned whenever you wish, in whatever way is most convenient and advantageous for you, for example:
Legacy Donation
A legacy donation allows you to bequeath an amount, a specific asset, or a percentage of the assets in your will to the CHUM Foundation. It’s a simple and accessible way to give while continuing to care for your loved ones.
It is important to use the right language when making a gift to the CHUM Foundation in your will. Here are our suggestions for how to word your bequest:
Particular bequest
“I bequeath to the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) Foundation, charitable registration number 88342 9961 RR0001, the sum of $10,000 (for example, or the XYZ inc. shares in my portfolio, or a description of any other specific asset) for the purposes of this organization.”
Universal bequest
“I bequeath to the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) Foundation, charitable registration number 88342 9961 RR0001, all (or a percentage, e.g., 10%) of my estate, for the purposes of this organization.”
Residuary bequest
“I bequeath to the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) Foundation, charitable registration number 88342 9961 RR0001, the residue (or a percentage, e.g., 10%) of my estate for the purposes of this organization.”
Have a specific project in mind?
Please contact our team at plannedgiving@fondationduchum.com or 514 444-8186
Power to vary terms
Donors may want to make a bequest to a specific cause that, over time, is no longer relevant or is impossible to implement.
When you give the CHUM Foundation the power to vary a clause in your will, the Foundation will have more leeway to fulfill your wishes. Here is some wording we suggest for this clause:
“If, in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the CHUM Foundation, it should become impossible, inadvisable or impractical to use this bequest for the intended purposes or departments, the Board may use the bequest at its discretion in the best interests of the CHUM for other purposes consistent with the spirt and intention of the bequest, while respecting the priorities of the CHUM.”
Power to appoint a liquidator
You can also add a clause to your will allowing the CHUM Foundation (your heir in this case) to appoint a liquidator. Here is how we suggest wording it:
“I leave the decision to my heirs, by a majority, or by unanimous agreement, to appoint a liquidator to my succession.”
Download all of the CHUM Foundation’s wording suggestions
Confidential letter of intent to leave a gift in your will
If you would like to fill out a letter of intent and share certain information with the CHUM Foundation about your legacy gift, it will help us to better plan and administer your donations. This statement is entirely confidential, and you can change or cancel it at any time.
You can download and fill out your letter of intent here.
Life Insurance Donation
This type of donation allows you to do something significant for the CHUM Foundation while spending only a portion of the capital donated. If you’d like to make a major gift without affecting your current finances, you can designate the CHUM Foundation as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy by filling out a simple form.
Eligible Securities Donation
This type of donation is especially suitable for people who own securities (outside of registered plans such as RRSPs, RRIFs, TFSAs) that have appreciated since they were acquired. From a tax standpoint, this is one of the most advantageous ways to give.
Registered Plan Donation (e.g. RRSP or RRIF)
If you don’t need your withdrawals to meet your needs, you can choose to donate them to the CHUM Foundation and receive a tax receipt to reduce your taxes. You could also include a clause in your will specifying that you leave your registered plan to the CHUM Foundation. These are the assets that are most heavily taxed at the time of death, if you don’t have a spouse.

Other types of donations include endowments, charitable trusts and gifts of real estate.
Contact us if you want more informations about the possibilities of donation.
Choosing planned giving is:
having a significant and lasting impact on the CHUM Foundation;
contributing to a healthy future for generations to come;
ensuring that your values of mutual aid and the cause you care about will live on;
reducing your tax burden or that of your estate.
We recommend that you consult your financial or legal advisor to maximize the benefits of your situation. If you would like to make a planned gift to the CHUM Foundation, we will be happy to assist you in thinking about your donation, without obligation and in complete confidentiality.
Gift Tabulator
See the impact of your donation with our donation calculator.

The CHUM Foundation is proud to be associated with the Will Power campaign, which aims to raise public awareness about the significant impact people can have on the causes they care about by leaving a charitable gift in their will.
Your donation or pledge to leave a planned gift entitles you to join the Visionary Circle and receive immediate recognition for your commitment. Of course, you can always remain anonymous if you like.
Contact us to discuss your options confidentially and with no commitment

Véronique Salibur
Advisory Director,
Major and Planned Gifts
514 444-8186